Episode 39: Midnight in Salem Predictions

In which we discuss our hopes and fears for Midnight in Salem! Want to watch us live next time? Follow us on twitch at https://go.twitch.tv/krolmeistersisters Our tumblr: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com Our twitter: https://twitter.com/KMeisterSisters Drinking game referenced: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com/… The Nancy Drew computer games are property of HeR Interactive

Episode 36: Ghost of Thornton Hall

In which we discuss Ghost of Thornton Hall. Want to watch us live next time? Follow us on twitch at https://go.twitch.tv/krolmeistersisters Our tumblr: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com Our twitter: https://twitter.com/KMeisterSisters Drinking game referenced: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com/… The Nancy Drew computer games are property of HeR Interactive

Episode 34: Shadow at the Water’s Edge

In which we discuss Shadow at the Water’s Edge! Want to watch us live next time? Follow us on twitch at https://go.twitch.tv/krolmeistersisters Our tumblr: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com Our twitter: https://twitter.com/KMeisterSisters Drinking game referenced: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com/… The Nancy Drew computer games are property of HeR Interactive

Episode 27: Secret of the Scarlet Hand

In which we discuss Secret of the Scarlet Hand! Apologies for the sound quality, we had some technical difficulties which were only noticed after recording -_- Our tumblr: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com Our twitter: https://twitter.com/KMeisterSisters Drinking game referenced: http://krolmeistersisters.tumblr.com/… The Nancy Drew computer games are property of HeR […]